Monday, August 24, 2009

Bum's the word.

BumGenius that is....
Ever since before Will and I found out we were expecting we have seriously leaned towards using cloth diapers on our little one's bum. After talking to several friends who have used them and doing our research as well, we decided to go with these cloth diapers.

Now, let me just tell you all that I actually was changing cloth diapers before I ever changed a disposable one because my mom had me and my two sisters in cloth diapers. However, back then we used the kind that require pins and plastic pants.

I knew there were definite benefits to cloth diapers but I just wasn't sure about the pins and the plastic pants. So I started looking further into our options. Let me just tell you. Cloth diapers have come a long way in the past 20 years. Yes, we will still have to wash them ourselves instead of using a diaper service but these diapers are almost just like using disposables. They are one size fits all and they have the absorbency and a water proof outside all in one diaper. And, not only will we be able to use these for Maggie up until she potty trains but we will aslo be able to use them on the next Lyon cub.

I ordered several this weekend and can not wait to get them all ready for Maggie's arrival.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

34 Weeks

How far along?: 34 wks 1 day!
Maternity Clothes?: Dresses are the most comfortable these days.
Best Moment this week: Feeling hiccups for the first time. What a funny feeling.
Movement: The other night Will could feel a lot of her movement. He asked me how I slept at night. My answer: I don't...
Food Craving: Nothing. I just want ice cold water all the time.
Baby's Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nothing.
What I miss: Sleep. I'm sure it'll be a while before I get that again...
What I'm looking forward to: One of my best-friends has been pregnant the whole time I've been pregnant. Her due date is the day after mine. This Saturday is her baby shower. I can't wait to be a part of that. I'm so excited for she and her husband.

(Please excuse my swollen face and ankles. Pregnancy looks much better on Kristina. Focus on her)

Milestones: We got our dresser/changing table in yesterday. I have all kinds of clean little pink things to put in it. It's been really fun doing baby laundry. (You probably all think that I'm out of my mind and I'll be singing a different song in a couple of months but I have this strange affliction where I love to do laundry. I do about a load a night. My friends make fun of me and call me Launderella. I know it's a sickness but I just can't help it.)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

32 Weeks! 8 Weeks to go...

I can't believe we only have 8 weeks left. I feel like we have so much left to do!

How far along?: 32 wks 1 day!
Maternity Clothes?: Mostly. I do still have a few pairs of pants that I wear to work with my Bella Band.
Best Moment this week: We had our 32 week ultrasound this morning and got to see Maggie. We got to watch her yawn/swallow and stick her tongue out. She was playing with one of her feet the whole time we were there. The u/s tech told us that everything looked perfect. She also said that Maggie looks like she has really long legs. I wonder if she'll be 6' tall like her Aunt Adrienne. They estimated her weight is right around 4.5 pounds.
Movement: She is a wiggle worm, that's for sure.
Food Craving: Nothing really strong. I like peanut butter a lot more than usual these days.
Baby's Gender: Still a Girl! We confirmed it today.
Labor Signs: Nothing at all.
What I miss: I can't even think of anything I miss these days. I think the thing that comes to mind the most, though, is working out. I know I can exercise while pregnant but it's limited. I want to go all out. Maybe even play some softball.
What I'm looking forward to: My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are hosting a shower in a couple of weeks. I am really looking forward to seeing some ladies I haven't seen in a while and catching up with them.
Milestones: Nothing in particular. Ask me after this weekend when we should have the nursery finished.