Thursday, May 20, 2010

Not a Fan...

Maggie has been eating solid foods for about a month now and so far she loves her veggies! She likes peas, carrots, green beans and sweet potatoes. I've tried a few other foods such as bananas and apples but she really only likes the veggies.

Yesterday I thought I would try her on roasted bananas in brown rice to see if she liked them at all and this is the response. I hate to laugh but I just couldn't help it. There were only about 4 spoonful's total which she did eventually get all down but we probably won't be trying this one again any time soon.

Bananas and Brown Rice...not a fan. from Laura Lyon on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

That has to be the funniest video ever!! Her face is priceless!! I had fun laughing at her!!

Poor girl.. the things we do to our kids...

Hailey @ Me and My Boys said...

LOL!! That was hilarious! Yeah, I think I'd wait a bit before trying those again too. She's so cute!

Anna said...

I laughed out loud! I know that face well! she is so precious:)

Mrs.Salsaburger said...

I laughed so hard I cried!!!!! That is a keeper! Although I have to say, I would never think to pair those things together either! Great video Laura!

Vicki S said...

Loved her face! You had me laughing at her expressions. I think she was hoping if she kept her thumb in her mouth, you wouldn't put any more yucky stuff in there!