Thursday, October 23, 2008

I LOVE the blogging world.

A couple of months have gone by since I started blogging. As time has gone I've discovered other blogs through friends blogs and must say that there are some really great bloggers out there. Some people make me laugh. Some make me cry and others just tick me off. (Not many, though) I love finding a blog where someone is sharing their experience and as I read I realize that they are not that different from me. I love it when this happens because I can learn from others and also see how they've come through something that has strenghtened their faith. I am encouraged by these posts.

But today I want to share a post that I came across that was funny.

Today as I was taking my lunch at work I was cruising through some blogs of friend's friends and stumbled upon this little post that actually made me laugh out loud. Just thought I'd share.

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